
What is the first question someone asks you when they are getting to know you? "Where do you work?" Just like for any of us, Employment is the key social role that creates a sense of identity. Hiring someone with a disability may seem challenging, but the rewards far out way the challenges. Empower Cherokee can place someone on your team and provide various levels of support along the way.
There are financial benefits to hiring someone with a disability too. Contact us to find out how hiring someone we support can enrich your work environment.

Empower Cherokee loves volunteers. We can accommodate group service projects and individual volunteers. If you are going to volunteer directly in our programs you will need to be at least 18 years old and willing to take some basic training.
Please reach out if you are interested in volunteering. Empower Cherokee can work with any size group, any budget, and any project ideas. If you want to do a project but you don't have any ideas, we have ideas we will be happy to share.

Empower Cherokee relies on donations to provide the extra comforts that the people we support have come to appreciate. Many of the vehicles we use to get folks where they need to go are donated, our fencing, flower beds, swings, AED machines, patio furniture, and even art work on the walls is often donated or purchased through donated funds. Often the community activities the people we support are engaged in are also supplemented through donated funds.

Partner With Us to Foster Kindness

Just everyone else, the people we support, are civic-minded and have the heart to help. Reach out to us if you need volunteers we would love to help.
Currently, we provide support to help people volunteer at local nursing homes, animal farms, animal shelters, and participate in a number of other civic opportunities all throughout the year.
Empower Cherokee of GA, Inc. is also a community champion of the kindness revolution. Ask how you can help us spread kindness through appreciation, recognition, anti-bullying, and pay it forward campaigns in our shared community.