Hi folks,
We will be meeting on Zoom again this week. We will have the same music therapy and Empower Cherokee Hangout as we have every week, and we look forward to seeing everyone there.
We will also be adding a Lunch and Learn session about our anticipated reopening. All participants and caregivers are encouraged to attend this session. You will be on the call with the Executive Director, who will be sharing the reopening plan with attendees. Grab your lunch and login!!!
Music Therapy Tuesday and Wednesday at 4:00
Hangout Thursday at 11:00
Lunch and Learn Information Session Thursday at 12:00
As always you can log into all of these meetings via the same Zoom link below from a computer, tablet, or smartphone. You will need a password to join as well. If you want the password for these sessions email me at heather.daily@empowercherokee.org. Let me know who you are and if you are a caregiver let me know what program participant you care for.
Topic: Empower Cherokee/In Harmony Music Therapy/Lunch and Learn
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 713 974 5087
Call-in numbers (if you don't have a smartphone or computer)
+13017158592,,7139745087#,,1#,14765# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,7139745087#,,1#,14765# US (Chicago)
Looking forward to another wonderful week at Empower Cherokee!!!!