9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Please come join us at Eagle Point Location (1229 Univeter Road, Canton, GA) for a day of water games, water slide, food and fun. We will have vendors serving snow cones and Ice Cream and will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers.
We are inviting all family and friends to join us. Wear something to get wet and bring a towel.
We are asking for volunteers and donations for this year's event.
If you would like to volunteer please contact Kay Reece at 770-345-5821, Ext 17.
If you would like to donate please contact Kelly Flanagan at 678-880-6434.
We hope you will come and help us have a great day of fun.
Donations needed:
Water Guns
Small Swimming Pools
Hamburger Patties and Buns
Hot Dog and Buns
Individual Bags of Chips
Cheese Slices
Pickle Relish