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Main Campus Phones Are Working

Our phones are back on!!!

Please remember you can access our company directory by clicking below:

Click Here for Directory

In the directory, you will find every staff, their email, phone number, and extension if they have one. We may not be able to get to your call right away so if you get the voicemail box please leave a message or, if you prefer, you can hang up and send an email.

Every staff member is responsible for checking both at least 2-3 times per day minimum, and they will return your call ASAP and no later than within 1 business day.

If you aren't sure who you need to talk to you can always dial 0 (at Main Campus) and Amy will be able to assist you.

At Eagle Point, a live person will likely answer. If they don't just leave a message and your call will be returned as quickly as possible.

If at any time you don't get prompt service feel free to contact Heather Daily at 770 894 1813 or to share your concerns.

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(770) 345-5821  Fax: (770)345-5758

133 Univeter Rd, Canton, GA 30114, USA

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 

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