Hi Folks - I know I have sent out several things today, but this just came across my desk and it may be fun for some of you and or people you support. I just had to share.
In these times of social distancing, isolation, anxiety, fear, and uncertainty it can be easy to fall into harmful behavior and habits related to the opioid epidemic and substance abuse in this country. Q99.7 and the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities brings you; "My Voice - Coping and Wellness during COVID-19". This free streaming session will serve as a resource for you or others battling anxiety or depression, as well as opioid and another drug misuse during these difficult times. Join us this Friday, April 24th at 5 pm on the DBHDD Facebook Live stream as we talk with behavioral health specialists, provide useful information and contacts designed to cope in these difficult times. In addition, we will also be joined by and share an exclusive performance by Grammy Winning - Pop sensation Meghan Trainor. So tell your friends that you fear might be struggling with anxiety, depression, or ANY addiction issues; then mark your calendars, set a reminder, and join us. See you Friday! Viewing Options: DBHDD Facebook Live Feed https://www.facebook.com/GeorgiaDBHDD/