If you haven't heard Georgia has been named the sickest state in the united states based on recent data.
We want to let all families know that the health department is giving flu shot for free in Cherokee County. Please consider getting one for yourself and your family members if you have not already done so. It is not to late. medical professionals are saying the flu shot may prevent you from getting the flu, or if you get the flu it may reduce the severity of the episode.
We also wanted to remind families of our policy related to illness. Please do not send in your loved ones if they have a fever, rash, or are vomiting within the last 24 hours.
Also be reminded that if your loved one displays these symptoms while at the program we will be calling the primary caregiver to arrange for the loved one to be picked up.
In an effort to stop the spread of germs we are constantly training our staff and the people we support and trying to take every precaution to kill germs.
Thank you for your cooperation during this time.